Ceremony Download 

Try This Tonight

An “ikaro” is a Kichwa world referring to a medicine song used in ceremonies traditionally by a shaman to connect to the spirit world.

Ikaros are incredibly powerful and even just listening to one of these healing prayers for 5 minutes can completely calm the mind and body. In this ikaro, Manari is calling upon the spirit of Tsamaraw, the neutral energy, to support you to connect to neutrality and balance in your life.

Tonight before bed, close your eyes, breathe and listen to the ikaro linked below (there is a video & audio file, select what works best for you!) Whether you dream every night or hardly remember your dreams, listening to this ikaro will strengthen your connection to your dreams and support you to receive messages from the spirit world tonight.

Click play to listen


P.S. Ready to take the first step in your dream journey? Get started with my mini-course "Remember Your Dreams" to begin remembering your dreams with more clarity & create a lifestyle that supports your connection to this physical reality as well as the spirit world. Use code "REMEMBER50OFF" for 50% OFF the workshop today. Get started here: https://www.dreamworldprogram.com/remember