dream interpretation
Dream Symbols & Meanings
a quick note on interpreting the symbols in your dreams…
When a symbol or situation appears in your dream, you may be tempted to google what it means or look through one of the hundreds of dream symbols videos we share on Instagram and TikTok. These interpretations may 100% resonate for you and sometimes they may not, and that’s OK. No one interpretation will resonate with everyone, especially since we come from different cultures and world views. Please use these interpretations as a jumping off point to start building your own dream dictionary. When you wake up, feel into what the dream means to you. If you are not sure, pay close attention to what plays out in your day or over the next few days so you can draw connections between your dream & your daily life.
If you are ready to dive deeper into your dream journey, we’d love for you to join us in the on-demand Dream World course, a direct transmission about dreams and the spirit world filmed in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest.
In the dream world, we will dream with many colors. In the way that smells attract us or repel us from something in the material world, colors do the same in the dream world. Each color carries a medicine. Some colors will help us receive knowledge or review what will happen the next day.
Here is an overview of what colors represent in the dream world according to the Sapara cosmovision.
💜 Violet: carries the medicine that comes from the heart of cacao and the jungle
💙 Blue: supports us to heal ourselves. If we feel weak or confused, the blue will heal us.
💚 Green: medicine of the forests. It carries knowledge from the spiritual world.
🧡 Orange: find a new message, relate the new message with the spirit of the mountains
Fighting with someone: when you have a dream that you're fighting a person/ animal/ or other being it means that you are gathering strength in the spirit world and it's a way for you to confirm that you're strong. A similar example can be if you dream that someone is chasing you.
What does it mean when someone dies in your dream?
Dreaming with people you've never met before
Dreaming with the same person over and over again
Contacting someone after you dream of them
Dreaming of people who aren’t in your life anymore
Kid nightmares
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Dreaming of another person even though I love another
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Dreaming with family members who've passed
Dreaming of deceased loved ones
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