on demand 3-part video course with Manari ushigua
Relationship Dreams
Learn exactly what it means when you dream with other people (family, partners, exs, deceased relatives, friends, people you don’t know etc) and how to integrate these dreams in your life.
Everybody you have a relationship with in your life, you also have a relationship with in the spirit world, be it family, friends or romantic partners. Because these relationships span the physical and invisible worlds, many times your spirits will meet in the spirit world and you’ll dream with one another.
Because most people have never learned how to dream or understand the meaning of dreams, meeting someone in your dream can sometimes feel confusing.
And if you’ve wanted to know how to understand what these dreams are telling you & what actions you should take based on the dream…
If you’ve ever wondered why you dream with:
A deceased relative
Living family member
Ex partner
Ex friend
Someone you don’t know and eventually met
The same person over and over again
or any other relations

Relationship Dreams
3-part on demand video course with Manari Ushigua

Class 1: Interpersonal Relationships
In the first video, we’ll cover interpersonal relationships – dreaming with living and deceased family members, friends, people you don’t know etc.
Class 2: Romantic Relationships
In the 2nd video, we’ll dive into romantic relationships – dreaming with a current partner, ex-partner, cheating, etc.
Class 3: Integration Ceremony
In the 3rd video, we’ll do a ceremony to integrate these teachings and truly understand how to navigate our relationships in both the physical and spirit world.
Join us inside of Relationship Dreams today…
Get started today!
$52 $26
$89 $47
*discount is already applied at checkout
Your investment directly supports the cultural preservation and forest protection efforts by the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
What your fellow Dreamers have to say about Relationship Dreams
“This workshop provided me with the cultural contexts, stories, names, and interpretations of my relationships in the spirit world and how to honor them. I really loved hearing the stories about the river, trees and birds. These stories touch my heart. The bird stories have taught me to make choices about who and how I open myself up to others and that I have the power also to close them. This is an empowering and grounded practice.”
“I didn't realize that we are always connecting with others who we have relationships with in the dream world. It’s exciting to know that I can actively dream with friends and family to improve our relationships in the physical realm.”
“My dreams have been more clear and vivid. I would highly recommend anyone who needs more clarity and guidance to heal their relationships within self and with others during dream time to give themselves the permission to partake in this wonderful empowering course. The ceremony to integrate all three classes was my absolute favorite. It’s a privilege to receive Manari’s wisdom.“
“The ceremony was peaceful and felt so refreshing. I felt a sense of 'coming back.' Manari's calm warm energy made me feel relaxed. This course gave me the tools so I can pay more attention to small details in my daily life and see the interconnections between my personal relationships in the physical world and in my dreams. I now know what to expect in my physical reality when certain people or animals show up in my dreams.”
“This was wisdom that I've longed for my entire life without even knowing it. I have always dreamt vividly and felt like my dreams communicated to me in a language I couldn't quite understand. I’ll be applying the teachings and stories to my everyday life so I can honor my heart and all of my relationships (romantic, friendship, family) in a more harmonious way.”
“I loved the course! Before this I was very afraid of my dreams, but now I understand them more. Manari has such a lovely soul. Thank you for the opportunity.”
Meet Your Guide: Manari Ushigua
Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Manari was named one of the 100 Latinos 2021 committed to climate action. Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of his country as the Vice President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and as the President of the Sapara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. He’s participated in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland.
Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center in Sapara territory, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that is based around cultural and forest preservation.
A note from Manari
During this course, I share the living wisdom of the forest with you, expanding the understanding of our relationships from the spirit world so you can find the clarity in both your personal and intimate relationships. Often, when we have challenges with our relations in the material world (be it a fight, conflict, complication etc), we can resolve them through our dreams. When you resolve these challenges in the dream world, they resolve in the physical reality too.
You’ll learn how to see your relationships from two realities, the physical world and the spirit world, to bring harmony to your relationships in both realities.
- Manari

It’s time to master your relationships both in this physical reality and also the dream world.