Healing Addiction
Understand the root cause of addiction, release the shame, and learn how to begin recovery from the perspective of the Spirit World
It’s time to release the stories of guilt and shame that surround addictions.
Many people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, and sugar. Addictions can occur as a way for you to deal with the reality of life that might be too hard to handle. The things that you’re addicted to become a coping mechanism blurring the lines between what’s real and what’s not.
The truth is that the body doesn’t need any outside substance to feel good.
However, the stigma surrounding addiction keeps people from reaching out for support or help. The pain stays hidden in the dark and the price to pay is often too big. Many lives are lost every single day to substance abuse and addiction.
From the perspective of the world of spirit, plants aren’t trying to harm you. Plants can be tools that support you on your healing journey. When you connect to the world of spirit through your dreams, you can learn exactly what you need to be healthy and return to a state of emotional and physical alignment.
In many Indigenous communities, plants such as Tobacco and the Coca leaf are traditionally used to help heal you. However, in the Western world, many of these medicinal plants have been commercially exploited, losing their original essence and resulting in products that can be harmful to your health.
The root of addiction stems from the manipulation of these plants, which strips them of their true essence. Instead of helping you to heal, the plants become harmful, and are no longer connected to the intention of healing.
So what’s the first step you need to take to heal? Bring your addictions to the light. Understand the root cause of why, and begin taking the next right step towards your liberation of the belief that your body needs a certain substance to be able to navigate this world.
Remember that you walk between two worlds. The spirit world and the material world and that you receive support and guidance from both.
Join us inside of Healing Addiction today…
Get started today!
$49 $26
$89 $47
*discount is already applied at checkout
Your investment directly supports the cultural preservation and forest protection efforts by the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Are you ready to overcome addiction?
You’re invited to join us for HEALING ADDICTION
an easy-to-digest 3-part video course with Manari Ushigua, leader of the Sapara Nation
The Stigma
Addiction is still a topic that often gets overlooked due to shame and guilt. These feelings prevent many folks from sharing their experience and reaching out for support.
Here’s the thing: Naming and claiming the addiction, the coping mechanism you might have developed during a challenging or traumatic time in your life looses its hold on you once you shine a light on it.
When you give the addiction a voice, you gain control and the power of your life back.
the curriculum
Session 1: Understanding Addiction
Manari will lead you through a powerful ceremony to connect with the world of spirit and to the specific spirit of the plants that most people are addicted to. This will help you understand the root cause of addiction, how to release the shame and guilt, and connect with the natural and true essence of these plants.
Session 2: Everyday Addictions
Manari will dive into the most common addictions and how to begin your recovery journey connecting to the wisdom of the jungle.
You’ll learn:
The most common types of addictions (alcohol, sugar, and cannabis)
How to overcome and work through your addiction
What happens to your spirit if you suffer from addictions
What you need to be healthy and return to a state of emotional and physical alignment
How to use your dreams for healing and mastering your mind
Session 3: Q&A with Manari
We know a lot of questions and personal situations will come throughout the 3-days. Students had the opportunity to come with their questions and get personalized feedback from Manari.
Friendly note: The intention of this workshop is to speak about the root cause of addiction from the perspective of the world of spirit. These are not healing sessions. You will be held in a safe container and will have the opportunity to speak to someone in our team if you’re looking to begin a healing process with Manari.

What people have said about Healing Addiction…

Meet your guide Manari Ushigua
Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Manari was named one of the 100 Latinos 2021 committed to climate action. Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of his country as the Vice President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and as the President of the Sapara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. He’s participated in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland.
Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center in Sapara territory, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that is based around cultural and forest preservation.
Join us inside of Healing Addiction today…
Get started today!
$49 $26
$89 $47
*discount is already applied at checkout
Your investment directly supports the cultural preservation and forest protection efforts by the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
This program is for those who have experienced addiction in the past. or those who have people in their life who are suffering from addiction.
please note: We won’t touch upon all the types of addictions. The intention of this workshop is to shine a light on the root cause of addiction from the perspective of the spirit world.
Manari delivered the program in Spanish and Barbara Sanchez supported the translation. We have participants who are bilingual and many who only speak English. Whether you are a native Spanish or English speaker, you are invited to join us!
50% of the funds generated from the workshop goes directly to support the Sapara Nation. Specific initiatives directly impacted by these financial resources are self funded education for Sapara communities, emergency medical funds, funds for mobilizations around halting oil drilling and logging in the Amazon and more.
There are no refunds for this program. If you are not sure if it’s a right fit for you, please contact us and we will help you decide if you should enroll.
Yes! You can choose our payment plan option of 3 payments of $33. Click here to sign up.
No. This is the only time we’ll be running this workshop.