Dream World

You’re in!


  1. Check your inbox for our welcome email from info@dreamworldprogram.com

  2. Sign into your ThriveCart Student program dashboard to have instant access to all of the recordings.

    Note: We suggest beginning the course with the opening ceremony to align yourself to receive the teachings and downloads from Manari.

  3. Say hello on Instagram and let us know why you registered for Dream World.

    BONUS: Share that you’ve just signed up to be a part of this awesome workshop in your stories and tag us! We’ll be taking a peak and re-sharing all the stories :)

  4. Register for Dream Circle, create your online profile, and introduce yourself.

  5. Know someone who would love to join you for this experience?

We highly recommend inviting a friend or family member to go through it with you so you can be accountability buddies and practice the exercises together. Simply sent them to the enrollment pate to register here: https://dreamworldprogram.com