Free yourself from stress, fear, anxiety and depression through the wisdom of the Amazon Rainforest.

Seen from the spirit world, when you enter in the path of stress, anxiety or depression, you begin to close your brain and you can’t find the path forward. You may begin to feel helpless and lost on what actions to take to shift the emotions or how to keep going in your life.

In the modern world, there is a structure of life where many people feel constricted by a lot of small stressors (social media, news, family dynamics, relationships, environment). When too many of these stressors build up, the body can’t take it any more.

How can you shift this?

Observe, Listen and Connect to the Spirit World

Observe your life, listen to what is really weighing you down (the root cause), and enter the world of spirit to liberate yourself. In the world of spirit, it’s easy to find the liberation. Through the process of connecting to the energy of the jungle and the spirit world, you can purify your mind, body and spirit and create a new vision for your life that is free from the confined structures of our modern world.

You’ll still have the same responsibilities (financial, family, work etc) but they won’t dominate you anymore. They’ll become smaller and the healing and happiness in your life will become more important. Everything will feel clearer.

Are you ready to feel liberated?

Join us for LIBERATE, an online mini course…

You’ll get a body-spirit release in the ceremony & learn the exact practices to implement in your life to begin liberating yourself now.

Pre-recorded, self-paced course that you can follow at your own convenience.

Click here to listen to an IG Live where Manari expands on what we’ll explore in the course

the experience


In order to liberate from these sensations, we will open with a ceremony to connect w Spirit, understand where the origin of these illnesses or discomforts we deal with come from, and alchemize them in order to reach the other side. We will connect to specific spirits to aid us in this liberation process.  


In our second class, Manari will guide you through how to liberate yourself through connecting to the wisdom of the forest, the rules of the natural world and techniques used by all beings in the Amazon.

Learn how to:

  • calm the mind 

  • release from anxiety / stress by connecting to the jungle

  • close the portals that no longer serve us & open a new path

  • liberate mind & body from the structures of the modern world

  • expand the quiet & align with the laws of nature

  • use your dreams for healing & mastering your mind


Many questions and personal situations came up and Manari was able to give personalized feedback to the students who tuned in live.

Join us for LIBERATE

Mini workshop with Manari Ushigua

1 payment of $120 or 3 monthly payments of $44

Hear from our past dream students:

Meet your guide Manari Ushigua

Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Manari was named one of the 100 Latinos 2021 committed to climate action. Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of his country as the Vice President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and as the President of the Sapara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. He’s participated in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland.

Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center in Sapara territory, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that is based around cultural and forest preservation.


  • Yes! The workshop sessions will be recorded and emailed out within 4 hours of the class so you can watch each class at a time that works for you. As an international community, we know that the Zoom time won't work for everyone. If you can't make it live, simply find a time that works for you in your schedule to watch the recording.

  • The three workshop sessions will be on Monday, Dec 12, Tues Dec 13, Weds Dec 14 at 9:30am PST / 11:30am CST & Ecuador/ 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET.

    Each class will be between 75-90 minutes.

    As soon as you register, you’ll get invited to join a shared google calendar to have easy access to the class zoom link & have the sessions added to your calendar.

  • 50% of the funds generated from the workshop goes directly to support the Sapara Nation. Specific initiatives directly impacted by these financial resources are self funded education for Sapara communities, emergency medical funds, funds for mobilizations around halting oil drilling and logging in the Amazon and more.

  • This will be the only time we run this workshop live. In the future, you will be able to purchase the recording.

  • Yes, we are offering 5 scholarships to participate in the program. We understand that our community is incredibly diverse in age, nationality and resources. If you are unable to pay the full program tuition but would love to participate in the program, apply here. Scholarship recipients will be notified on the Friday before the program starts.

  • At this time, we do not offer any program refunds or cancellations if you sign up for the payment plan. If you are not sure if the workshop is a right fit for you, please contact us and we will help you decide if you should enroll.

  • Manari delivers the program in Spanish and Florencia Fridman translates. We have participants who are bilingual and many who only speak English. Whether you are a native Spanish or English speaker, you are invited to join us!