Day 1: The Origin Story of 2 Spirit Folks

One of the parts of the story of Yanukua (the sun) that Manari shared is the transformation process that was born from throwing a flower that changed a boy into a girl and a girl into a boy. For the Sapara people this story is considered an unanchay, the legacy of the past, preserved in our memory from the moment we are born. It embodies the wisdom passed down by our elders to guide us through life.

This part of Yanukua's story helps us understand that 2-Spirit folks have always been part of human evolution, even though many societies have not understood or accepted them. Today, many are rejected or cast out, but by understanding this story through this unanchay, we can recognize why people are born this way and embrace their existence as part of our evolution.

Day 2: The Origin Story of Itiumu (women)